Blog: Plant-Forward

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Rejuvenate yourself with a spicy and slightly sweet “golden milk” latte made with turmeric, ginger, and cinnamon. This yellow, or “golden,” latte is full of antioxidants and is perfect for savoring.

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Toasting quinoa (or any whole grain) brings a subtle nutty flavor to any dish. Paired with cauliflower, you have a vegetable- and protein-packed twist on a dish traditionally made with bulgur.

We’ve all been there — you don’t want to cook, but you don’t want to (or maybe even can’t) go out to eat. Making healthy, satisfying dinners can be as easy as filling a sheet pan and then sitting back and relaxing.

Tender cauliflower rice, sautéed in a savory blend of cumin, onions, and tomato, leaves your mouth with a spicy flavor that calls for a summer celebration.