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Outside of Hood River, Oregon, fruit trees sprawl across acres and acres of bucolic landscape of the Columbia River Gorge. Sam Asai and his family have been tending their orchard here for generations. 
Sam, whose grandparents emigrated from Japan in the early 20th century, owns and operates the orchard together with his family. Sam’s grandparents purchased some of the land that now makes up A&J’s acreage in the 1900s, raising their family and establishing their first fruit trees.

With approximately 38% of food in our supply chain going to waste — costing roughly $218 billion each year — the need for food waste reduction is overwhelming from an equity, economic, and environmental perspective. While these numbers are shocking, it’s easy to get lost in the national statistics and fail to see the immense amount of community-driven change happening all around us. At ReFED’s annual conference, the focus was sharing strategies on food waste reduction across local and federal levels and between public and private sectors.

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Seeking relief from South Florida’s soaring heat, outdoor workers in South Florida appealed to politicians in Miami-Dade and Tallahassee for help. They got none. Now, a coalition of farmworkers from South-Dade and Immokalee intend to take their campaign directly to the powerful fast food and grocery industries that buy the produce they harvest.