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Colorful vegetables tossed together with fresh mint, toasted cashews, and dried fruit give this salad a pop of all the right things! If you feel like you need an immune boost, this recipe is for you.

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What’s the buzz? In pop culture, people frequently talk about the feeling of being “hangry” — a hybrid of the words hungry and angry. Can food (or a lack thereof) really affect our emotions? What does the science say?

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This salad is made extra special with juicy pomegranate seeds and a dressing whisked with sweet pomegranate molasses. The best part is it can be made up to a few days ahead.

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What’s the buzz? Bone broth fans claim this savory elixir is a cure-all “superfood.” But what does the science say?

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Fellow Amanda Wareham takes a group of Lawrence University students to tour one of the farms that supply the school’s milk and is reminded of why she and Bon Appétit are passionate about supporting small-scale farmers.