The Bon Appétit Blog

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Fellow Amanda Wareham takes a group of Lawrence University students to tour one of the farms that supply the school’s milk and is reminded of why she and Bon Appétit are passionate about supporting small-scale farmers.

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With Halloween hurtling toward us, we turned to Bon Appétit Management Company chefs for guidance on how best to choose, store, carve, and make use of this season’s most famous gourd.

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You would never guess that an old jail would make for an ideal site for a grain mill. But the abandoned Skowhegan prison has proven to be the perfect place for Maine Grains, a certified organic mill in Central Maine and a new addition to Bon Appétit’s Farm to Fork roster.

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Food is so close to my heart, so intrinsic to everything I do, and so deeply woven into my life path that it took me a long time to realize it was what I cared about most.

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Better your gut with a daily dose of probiotics. This chocolate yogurt combines plain yogurt with rich cocoa powder and sprinkle of sugar for a touch of sweetness.

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Upgrade your morning eggs by serving them in an antioxidant-loaded grilled portabello mushroom cap. Top with fresh herbs and a drizzle of truffle oil and your breakfast game just entered a whole new level.