Making healthy choices often seems tough for college students. Between social activities, doing homework, and participating in extracurricular, personal well-being can often take a back seat. But Bon Appétit makes the healthy choice the easy, default choice in the dining hall and we were recently recognized for our efforts.
Wash U
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Bon Appétit Makes Top 10 List from Her Campus
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When it comes to food, students know what they like – and what they don’t. Long gone are the times where students would eat mystery meat, things covered in gravy, and canned vegetables. Thanks to Bon Appétit, they don’t have to.
Wash U Paper Highlights Beloved Bon Appétit Cashier
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Student Life, Washington University at Saint Louis’s campus newspaper, recently profiled Angela Ford, a Bon Appétit cashier at the Bear’s Den because of her positive attitude and ability to brighten every customer’s day.