Congratulations to Tanarsha Farley and Cristina Espinosa, two of our chefs who travelled to Dallas, TX to represent Bon Appétit at Compass Group’s annual Women in Culinary Showcase in early March, a gathering among all of Compass’s sectors that celebrates women’s contributions to the field.

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Healthy Kids in the Kitchen with Bon Appetit’s Food Education Team
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We’re looking back at the impact of the Healthy Kids in the Bon Appétit Kitchen series of food education classes we held over the past few months for kids all over the country. The Food Education team hosted over 20 classes and reached 400 children this summer. Hooray for watermelon pizza!

Chefs Get Creative in Chopped! Competition at Emmanuel College
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Teams of highly trained, ultra-competitive Bon Appétit chefs have been making their way around the Eastern Seaboard competing in elite contests modeled after Chopped!, the hit Food Network television show. Chefs compete to create culinary masterpieces from a box of mystery ingredients in a short amount of time. Each ingredient in the box must be incorporated into the dish for that round, and given the often random combinations of items, that’s often no easy task! The “steaks” are so high, only the brave need apply.

Future Chefs Learn from Executive Chef Mark Harris at Career Day
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Not all kids want to be firefighters or astronauts when they grow up. Some want to be chefs — or so a group of students at Grout Elementary School in southeast Portland, OR, told Bon Appétit Executive Chef Mark Harris when he spent Career Day with them.