I know eating more plant-based foods is good for me, but I’m just not ready to give up my beloved summer burger. How can I incorporate plants and still eat my meat, too?
Blog: Advice
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Wellness Tips: Sheet-Pan Suppers Save the Day
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I want to make healthy, filling meals, but I’m strapped for time. How can I avoid falling into the salad rut?
Wellness Tips: Superfoods vs. Everyday Heroes
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What are superfoods? How much should I eat to get antioxidant health benefits?
Wellness Tips: Pass the Pasta — or Not
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Are pastas that are made from lentils, chickpeas, and other grains healthier than regular pasta?
Why Do I Hate Cilantro? How Can Anyone Stand Blue Cheese?
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Is there a reason why I hate cilantro? And how come just the smell of blue cheese nauseates me, when my partner loves it?
Edible Essential Oils: The Good, the Harmless, and the … Toxic?
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What’s the difference between culinary oils and essential oils? Are they safe to consume?
Wellness Tips: Should You Do a Detox?
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Are there any real health benefits to doing a detox or cleanse?
The Buzz: Full-Fat Dairy
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What’s the buzz? Skim milk is out — and cream-top yogurts and whole-milk lattes are in. What does the science say?
The Good, the Bad, and the Not Worth It: Navigating the Holiday Dessert Table
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How can I manage the onslaught of sweets during the holidays?
Wellness Tips: Why You Eat (or Don’t) When You’re Stressed
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Why does stress affect my appetite so dramatically?