IAIA Kitchen Crew Learns Art of Cheesemaking
- by Guest
Submitted By Guido Lambelet, Executive Chef
Old Windmill Dairy bills itself as the “little dairy on the prairie,” and little it is, with only a few cows and a small herd of Egyptian goats. These desert-adapted goats are known for the high fat content of their milk (great for tasty cheese) and their long ears (which help keep out the sand).
The kitchen crew at Institute of American Indian Arts, in Santa Fe, NM, led by Executive Chef Guido Lambelet, took a trip out to the farm to learn more about the great cheese they’ve been using in their kitchens — and to get a chance to make some of their own.
The team spent most of the day making raw cow’s milk cheddar and learning the art of stretching mozzarella. After the cheesemaking class, it was time to feed the 95 baby goats.
The IAIA crew is looking forward to featuring Old Windmill Dairy cheese at the Opera preview dinners this coming season.