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COVID-19 Updates

Statement on COVID-19 Impact | March 19

The restaurant and hospitality industries have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Bon Appétit Management Company, which serves corporations, universities, and museums, has not been spared. Much of our business has been shut down. In some cases clients who have the resources to do so have stepped forward to help cushion the impact on our employees. We are having to make extremely difficult and painful decisions throughout the company, and we are placing on unpaid furlough or laying off many hourly and salaried employees so that they may claim unemployment benefits. We are doing what we can, as the situation changes hour by hour.

Letter from CEO Fedele Bauccio to Employees | March 19

Dear members of our Bon Appétit family:

First and foremost, I am praying for all your health and well-being during this unprecedented crisis.

When I founded our company 33 years ago, I never dreamed we would be facing these kinds of threats to our health and business.

Due to the shelter-in-place orders and other measures aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19, we have had to close the majority of our locations and it’s forced us to make difficult and painful decisions. We are working day and night to find ways to preserve the wonderful company we have built together so we can resume normal operations at some point.

You are all a part of the Bon Appétit family, and it breaks my heart having to put so many people on furlough. I care deeply about all of you and I pray that this will be short-lived.

The situation is fast-moving, changing by the hour, but we are committed to sharing accurate and timely information on prevention measures and business impacts with you.

We all need to come together to do whatever is necessary to get through this crisis. We are a strong group, and I know we will overcome these difficult times.

Please be safe and stay healthy. We need all of you to come back strong to continue the Bon Appétit Dream.

With all my heart,


Letter from CEO Fedele Bauccio to Clients | March 19

To our clients and partners: 

As you’re hearing again and again, this is an unprecedented crisis. We’re facing threats to our health and our business in a way that we’ve never before seen. I want you all to know that I care deeply for all our associates, clients, and guests.

I place a very high value on the honor of serving you and your community. You have entrusted us with the sacred act of feeding people. I do not take that responsibility lightly even under normal circumstances, but it becomes even more critical in times of uncertainty and crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic has brought extraordinary challenges for all of us, and the safety and health of our guests and our team are paramount.

For some of you, we provide an essential service and will continue to operate, so we’re making plans to accommodate a variety of needs. For others, the responsible action is to shut down, but please know we’ll be ready and able to ramp up when the time is right.

We have a 24/7 Response Team who can directly coordinate with a national network of partners and your onsite manager to ensure immediate deployment of a portfolio of emergency solutions, including expanded food offerings such as grab-n-go, ready-to-heat meals, lunch boxes, etc. It is important to note that we are not experiencing any food shortages at present, but as distributors or suppliers notify us of any changes in delivery or production, we will ensure that any adjustments are quickly communicated to affected customers.

The situation is so fast-moving, it’s changing by the hour, but I am committed to continuing to share accurate and timely information on prevention measures and business impacts with you. I hope you will do the same with us. 

We need to all come together to do whatever is necessary to get through this crisis. I don’t believe this situation will be short in duration, but I know we are strong in many ways. We will overcome any difficulties we face.

In partnership,
