Yogurt Sauce with Cucumber and Mint (Tzatsiki)

By Kristen Rasmussen, MS, RD

For this month’s Well Being Challenge, we encourage you to seek out a synergistic food combination once a dayfor one week. For examples. visit cafebonappetit.com. Share your experiences by posting comments or photos of foods that work together on our Facebook page wall.  Here’s a recipe to get you started. 

Yogurt Sauce with Cucumber and Mint (Tzatziki)

The calcium in yogurt is better absorbed when eaten in combina- tion with vitamin D, so serve this sauce with a vitamin D source such as fatty fish or at a picnic outside in the sunshine (sun expo- sure increases vitamin D production).

Makes 3 cups


– 2 cups plain yogurt (lowfat or whole)
– 2 teaspoons olive oil
– 2 garlic cloves, minced
– 2 tablespoons fresh mint, diced
– 1/4 teaspoon salt, optional
– 1/4 teaspoon coarse black pepper, optional
– 2-3 teaspoons lemon juice
– 1 large cucumber, peeled and finely chopped or grated

To Prepare

1. Mix yogurt with olive oil, garlic, mint, salt, and pepper. Add lemon juice until desired consistency is reached. Stir in cucumber.

2. Serve with pita and vegetables as a snack, or atop a main dish such as grilled fish, chicken, or other protein source.