Maisie Ganzler Shares Tactics for a Low Carbon Diet with IDEO’s Food by Design Podcast

Food by Design podcat

When Bon Appétit Management Company launched our Low Carbon Diet back in 2007, the connection between what we eat and our warming climate wasn’t on most Americans’ minds. That’s changed. Plant-forward menus are cool now, and plant-based meat and seafood alternatives no longer seem like an Impossible sell. Recently Chief Strategy and Brand Officer Maisie Ganzler was interviewed by Food by Design, a podcast by the global design company IDEO, about “moo-ving away from beef and cheese” and how to help people make subtle shifts toward more climate friendly choices — sometimes without even realizing it.

Hosted by Sandeep Pahuja, Food by Design talks to the people who are building the food systems we’ll need in the future, right now. Professor of Management and Organizations Rick Larrick from the Fuqua School of Business at Duke University was also a guest on this episode. Listen to “Episode 6: Hint Hint, Nudge Nudge” below; find it on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher, or wherever you get your podcasts; or read the transcript if you prefer.