News: Sustainability

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  • News Lehigh Valley Live

At Lafayette College, the move to reduce plastic straw use comes from the top. The college’s dining services provider, Bon Appétit Management Company, aims to phase out all plastic straws and stirrers by September 2019.

  • News The Collegian

Seattle banned plastic straws, restaurants across the nation followed suit, and now the strawless movement has come to Hillsdale College. Bon Appétit Management Company will stop offering plastic straws by September 2019.

  • News The University Network

Bon Appétit Management Company clients, including Furman University, Vassar College, Washington University in St. Louis, and Roger Williams University, have pledged to ban plastic straws across campus.

  • News National Geographic

Bon Appétit Management Company announced their own plans to phase out plastic straws last May.