“I was the lone ranger out there,” said Bon Appétit Founder and CEO Fedele Bauccio, speaking to how the national dialogue around food system issues has developed in the 39 years since he started the company. Fedele was on the lineup at a daylong seminar hosted by Emory University and Spelman College, in collaboration with Food Tank, the nonprofit food think tank dedicated to food system reform.

Blog: Fedele Bauccio
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A Note From Fedele Bauccio: Sustainability is Everyone’s Job
We believe that it takes more than one person or one siloed team in a company to truly make sustainability a core operating principle. From our wellness and purchasing teams to our managers and cooks in the field, we strive for sustainability to be second nature across every level of our company.

A Note of Gratitude from Fedele Bauccio
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Dear Bon Appétit community,
As we close 2023, I want to share a note of gratitude to the many people who have contributed to Bon Appétit Management Company’s success this year. Our clients and employees, our suppliers, guests, and partners — all have contributed ideas, shared feedback, and inspired collaborations that have made 2023 so exciting and energizing.

Fedele Bauccio Honored by Italian President and Consul General
Bon Appétit Management Company Chief Executive Officer and cofounder, Fedele Bauccio, has been honored with the title of “Ufficiale dell’Ordine della Stella d’Italia” (Officer of the Order of the Star of Italy). The designation is conferred by the President of Italy and Minister of Foreign Affairs to individuals who have greatly contributed to the promotion of friendly relationships and cooperation between Italy and other countries.

Bon Appetit Management Company Honored for Helping to “Pave a Pathway to Opportunity through Old Skool Café”
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Fedele Bauccio wins San Francisco Business Times Beyond the Check Award

Bon Appétit Joins Forces with World Central Kitchen to Feed Cruise Ship Passengers
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Bon Appétit chefs, top managers, and other staff are volunteering to make meals to be delivered to the stranded Grand Princess passengers

Helping Old Skool Café Put on a Night to Remember
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Old Skool Cafe is an unusual restaurant. Located in Bayview–Hunter’s Point in San Francisco, this youth-run jazz-themed supper club is operated through a faith-based violence prevention program that offers marketable employment skills in the restaurant industry to at-risk youth ages 16 to 22. They cook, wait tables, and provide the entertainment. The nonprofit program was started by a former corrections officer and unstoppable force named Teresa Goines, who ran the program out of her house for years. Ninety-two percent of the program’s attendees have earned high school diplomas, and 13 have started college since 2010. Bon Appétit CEO Fedele Bauccio met Teresa through Golden State Warriors President and COO Rick Welts, and instantly wanted to help. Old Skool Cafe was in the middle of a renovation to reconfigure its cramped space to allow it to serve more customers, and Fedele […]

Happy 30th Birthday, Bon Appétit: Imagining Our Future
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“As we celebrate our 30 years, let’s remember there is so much more we have to achieve in order to continue our journey.”
— Fedele Bauccio, CEO/Cofounder

Staff Spotlight: It’s All in the Details, Says Dannie Stanton
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University of San Francisco Director of Catering Dannie Stanton says the values of Bon Appétit as a company, the passion of the people, and the creative freedom his job allows has kept him doing what he loves for 24 years.

Portland Bon Appétit Teams Come Together for James Beard Public Market Dinner
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Cooking and serving a multicourse dinner for a couple hundred people in a space without a kitchen is quite a challenge. How about if those hundreds of people include the CEO of your company and most of the fooderati of Portland, OR, who’ve paid top dollar as part of a fundraiser for the James Beard Public Market (named for “the father of American cooking”), as well as keynote speaker Mark Bittman, a multiple James Beard Award-winning cookbook author and New York Times columnist? High stakes indeed — but a feat that Bon Appétiters from all around Portland magically pulled off without anyone ever guessing how hard it was! Bon Appétit’s ties to the event, called Gather & Taste, extend much deeper than just donating the dinner. The company has partnered with the James Beard Public Market, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization […]