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What’s the buzz? Chia, hemp, and flax can help keep your heart beating strong. But what’s the science behind these tiny seeds?

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What’s the buzz? Coconut oil is a vital pantry staple that is good for everything. However, the science says not so fast!

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What’s the buzz? Spirulina is a health-giving superfood and powerful source of protein. But what does the science say?

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What’s the buzz? Bulletproof Coffee™ claims to offer more than just a morning caffeine jolt. But what does the science say?

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What’s the buzz? In pop culture, people frequently talk about the feeling of being “hangry” — a hybrid of the words hungry and angry. Can food (or a lack thereof) really affect our emotions? What does the science say?

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What’s the buzz? Bone broth fans claim this savory elixir is a cure-all “superfood.” But what does the science say?

Recently at Seattle University, Bon Appétit Management Company and Slow Food Seattle cosponsored a free showing of the new documentary Vanishing of the Bees, which was directed by George Langworthy and Maryam Heinen and narrated by actress Ellen Page. An astonishing 350 people attended the showing and the panel discussion with local beekeepers that followed.